
随着物理距离和远程学习成为许多人的常态, the performing arts have been affected tremendously. 就连纽约的百老汇剧院和全国许多其他剧院也仍然关闭. 这就提出了一个问题,我们索伯里如何才能把戏剧带到我们的社区?

剧院总监米基·麦克米兰和剧院技术总监彼得·马蒂诺一意识到“现场直播”在短时间内不可能实现,就开始着手解决这个问题. 结果是一种具有挑战性但有效的安全现场戏剧方式:虚拟表演. The virtual fall play, Vint年龄 Hitchcock: A Live Radio Play, was live-streamed on October 24.

SoleSt年龄的产品以其详细和引人注目的场景而闻名, 把我们的黑盒剧院变成了一座19世纪的英国庄园, 1930年柏林, or a "certain school of magic.今年, the set was simply a series of curtains, and the complicated part was what happened all around them. 技术团队必须研究和试验各种直播软件, 最终选择了“Streamyard”,因为它使他们能够改变视频方向,并使他们能够尽可能地实现米基对节目的设想.

技术人员把各种教室改造成了迷你电视演播室, breaking them down each day for the next day's classes, ensuring lighting, 相机, audio, and the set pieces were all in place and working. 一个新的挑战是技术人员需要现场制作的音效. 他们研究了所需的声音效果,并尝试使用日常物品创造这些声音. 由于需要在直播过程中进行现场重现,因此需要大量的时间和练习.

彼得共享, "During this entire process, 我最自豪的是学生们在这些新的和不寻常的环境下适应和发展的能力. 我也很自豪能想出一个让我们一起安全表演的方法, albeit in different rooms. 事实上,我们都在一起的校园,仍然让我们分享现场表演的感觉,如果我们在自己的家里表演,就会失去这种感觉."

演员和工作人员一直在适应和解决问题,直到节目首播. During the dress rehearsals, Micki意识到,当多个声音重叠时,教室里的音频会自动切断, 给声音效果和即兴表演带来了问题. In just two dress rehearsals, 学生们能够通过完善他们的时间安排和不重叠来解决这个问题,这样观众就可以单独听到每个方面, averting an audio nightmare.

"This is a result of the students' professionalism and commitment, 以及指导和团队合作的能力. I couldn't ask for more as a director," Micki shared. “我最自豪的是,学生们愿意热情地接受这个与他们习惯的剧院180度大转弯的机会. T在这里 were so many obstacles—the masks; the internet; limitations of streaming platforms; our audio is meant for remote learning, not sophisticated filming; what space could we use effectively; how do we combine pre-filmed and live-stream successfully? Yet the students were positive and fully committed."

Congratulations to the incredible cast and crew!

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